Can I get refund?

You can approach our Support team to resolve any queries or issues. If we are still unable to make it work for you, we avail to make refund within 30 days of the purchase.

We are following Envato’s refund policies that you can check below:

We DO NOT honor requests for the refund for the following reasons:

  1. You don’t want product after it has been downloaded;
  2. Product did not meet your expectations;
  3. You have changed your mind;
  4. You have purchased product by mistake;
  5. You don’t have sufficient expertise to use the product;
  6. Asking for refund because of a goodwill;
  7. You can’t access item because it has been removed (we advise always to download products as soon as you buy to avoid this situation)

Please note that we do not bear any responsibility and therefore we do not satisfy any refund/return/exchange requests based on incompatibility of our products with some third-party software (plug-ins, add-ons, modules, search engines, scripts, extensions etc) other than those which are specified as compatible in a description available on the preview page of each product. We don’t guarantee that our products are fully compatible with any third-party programs and we do not provide support for third-party applications.

Our Technical Support Team is always eager to assist you and deliver highly professional support in a timely manner. Thank you for purchasing our products.

Official Support – support.wpwebelite.com

Refund Policy for Customized Solutions: - no need to change

We are in the business of Technology Development and its services based business. We don’t offer any tangible product to our clients which can be returned for a refund.

  1. Client accepts, agrees and acknowledges that custom work shall be executed based on complete analysis and scope document. This shall be a prerequisite in order to make sure that Developer’s teams get the complete understanding of the work needed to be done and thereby chances of project cancellation or termination shall be avoided. In case the client is unable to finalize analysis and scope document then client agrees and acknowledges that developer shall never be held responsible for any refund. Client accepts, agrees and acknowledges that custom work shall be under the purview of milestones (modules) which shall be taken as a basis for direction / road-map. Therefore, both the parties agree and acknowledge that there shall be no question for any refund of completed milestones (modules).
  2. Client accepts, agrees and acknowledges that client shall not have any rights including but not limited to IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) over any work done which is subject to refund. Client further accepts, agrees and acknowledges that developer shall be the sole owner for said work done and may use it as per its requirements without any permissions from client.
  3. If any client would approach our employees indirectly by-passing the company to complete the job by any external ways. In this case, company is not bound to refund the amount already paid.
  4. Company is not bound to pay the refund, if the client is breaching any of the company’s policies.

Exceptions to above terms:

  1. Refunds shall never be entertained in any case for those Services that Developer has offered to the client on special occasions. These shall be termed as limited occasion offers and therefore refunds shall never be entertained in any case.


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